chakra balancing

Sacral Chakra Energy

I am fully in my body.

Creative & sexual energy flows through me.

I am in love with life.

I am a passionate being.

I am deeply connected to & honor my feelings.

I allow nurturance & comfort.

My relationships are safe.

Sex is a sacred energetic connection.

I am safe exchanging sexual energy.

Sexual trauma & abuse is strongly coming through & up for release for many right now. It is important to know that you are safe. You are not your trauma or your triggers. Movement will assist you in transmuting those energies. Dance. Yoga. Moving your body in fluid motion will assist you in moving the stagnant energetic blockages. Epsom salt baths & swimming will reconnect you to your womb space (yes even for masculine entities this is true).

Breathe. You are wanted. You are loved. You are safe. Embrace your shadow. Release your pain. You are your own sovereign being & no one has power over you. Sending you so much love and healing. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿงกโœจ #sacralchakra #sacralchakrahealing #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing
