We are on the precipice of fully ascending into 5D Atlantis & Lemuria existed in 5D. Most on this journey are aware of that. We are currently in a liminal space though. Some might say the great divide. Where those who are ascending will continue forward with the ascension process. Those who are still in 3D are being given the chance now to catch up.
Imagine, like a scene from a movie where a character is running as the ground is crumbling beneath them. That’s the space those are in who are being asked to step up, to to fully awaken to their mission and begin their ascension. They may feel as if everything in their lives is crumbling around them, the world they once knew & resonated with is beginning to vibrate out of alignment with them; people, places, jobs, relationships, etc are falling out of alignment with them.
Last night I had rapid flashes of memories from past lives. Atlantis came up many times. And while the ground feels it is crumbling for some, it is in truth, rising.
Atlantis is rising. As Gaia ascends, we rise. As we rise, Gaia ascends. One does not exist without the other. This time the rainbow bridge will be completed. It is nearly completed. This time the dark forces will not be able to corrupt or interrupt Gaia’s or humanity’s ascension.
It’s inevitable.
As we anchor more in 5D, anchor in more light, more love, things will start to feel more stable. We are entering the Aquarian age. But we won’t feel solid in this new age for awhile. Timelines are collapsing and merging into one ultimate timeline. You won’t be left behind. You’re being given an opportunity now to turn inward, collect soul fragments lost in other timelines & dimensions so we can all ascend together. But the energies are culminating, creating a sense of urgency. Breathe. Ground. Turn inward and meditate. Trust your inner knowing. Work on loving your shadow, embracing all of it. Integrate your shadow & transmute to achieve your highest frequency before the timelines all merge into one. You are the alchemist.
Sending you so much love and many healing blessings 🙏🏽💜✨
Amethyst 💜✨
#ascension #5Dconsciousness #5Dascension #thegreatdivide